Our SMART Philosophy

Celeix Digital uses SMART philosophy to see through programs and projects that achieve the desired business outcomes for our customers. For us, SMART works in two ways.

First, everything we do, we focus on working smarter. As a team, we work smart and we build smarter, more efficient processes for you, your business or your community.

Secondly, we do follow SMART goals being specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Why? Because, it is also a smart way to work. By creating clear and measurable goals around a digital transformation, we can all work smarter together.

“Although the term SMART first appeared in a 1981 issue of a business management magazine, SMART goals were born from a 1960s psychological theory where researchers began testing the relationship between conscious decision-making and output.

In Dr. Edwin Locke’s often-quoted paper on the subject, he notes that “an individual's conscious ideas regulate his actions” and have a direct relationship to goal execution. His study also finds that it isn’t money, results, or external pressures that motivate high performance.

It’s simply the act of breaking down a hard goal into a conscious purpose that others willingly share. Although you can’t force someone to be excited about a project, you can set them up for success with highly structured objectives using the SMART goal method.” - Wrike Project Management.

SMART Purpose: Define the purpose if you have multiple goals as part of program

SMART Goal: Define the goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Simplifying your SMART goal into one simple sentence is a powerful tool for aligning your whole team around a shared intention.

Adopt a work management tool (specific) that organizes at least 50 (measurable) incoming work requests per week (attainable) so that our team can streamline task assignment (relevant) within 30 days of receipt (time-bound).

Create a social media marketing campaign template (specific) that plans out one daily Tweet for the next 30 days (measurable and attainable) to increase existing audience engagement (relevant) before our launch on the first of the upcoming month (time-bound).

Realign the current project deliverables schedule (specific) by assigning new due dates to all three small tasks (measurable) over the next seven days (attainable) so that the original deadline remains the same (relevant) and clients can review the tasks by Friday (time-bound).

SMART Objectives: Define the specific objectives that breaks down the SMART goal into small executable tasks


Importance of the goal
Resources & Stakeholders
Where is it located? Where is what you are trying to do taking place?
Any Constraints and/or Limitations
Key Milestones
Key Activities
Key Deliverables


Baseline Metrics
Project Completion Measurement
Return of Investment (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Attainable/ Achievable

With the tools that you have can you reach your goal?
How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?
How can I accomplish this goal? If not, what do you need?

Realistic/ Relevant

Can you actually meet the goals you are setting forth?
Does this seem worthwhile?
Is this the right time?
Does this match our other efforts/needs?
Am I the right person to reach this goal?
Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?
If the objective is not realistic, what do you need to do to make it so or do you need to change the objective?


What is the timeline to meet your goals?
When? What can I do today?  What needs to be completed 6 weeks from today? What can I do 6 months from now?

Are you ready for transformation?

We help companies and communities build better systems so they can serve better, be more efficient and scale better.